

How To Prevent Mold From Growing In The Laundry Room?

As homeowners, we try our best to prevent any negative factor or threat taking place in our house. Sometimes, the threat is not as clear and visible as it should be which makes it a lot more dangerous and potentially harmful for not only the people living in the house and the items as well. For instance, mold is a serious issue if your house has a leakage or some areas of your house constantly remain humid due to the climate or poor ventilation. Mold spores travel through the air and are inhaled as we breathe which leads to respiratory issues. If you see mold, you must consult mold remediation experts.

As laundry rooms are humid most of the time, you should take measures to prevent mold growth. Follow below for some important tips.

Check For Water Damage

The first thing you are going to do when you spot even mold growth is check for water damage. This usually takes place when there is a water leakage somewhere near the area. Since we are talking about mold in the laundry room, you will have to take a closer look to find any water spots or leakage.

Sometimes, the leakage can be so small that you might not be able to notice it in its initial stages. It could also be that there is a pipe leak in the next room and the water is traveling to the laundry room. This type of leakage can be a bit tricky to find out considering the cause of the mold growth is somewhere else.

So, if you are able to spot mold growth but cannot find the source of the damage or leakage, it means you will need to put in a bit of effort and time. Considering the complication of the issue, you can also ask a friend or a family member to lend you a helping hand.

If that does not work out, you should consult an expert. Make sure that you check the tiles on the roof above the laundry room. Due to wear and tear or extreme weather conditions, the roof shingles can experience some damage and might need repair or replacement. Moreover, damaged flashing or moldy attic can cause problems as well so fix them as well.

Remove Damp Towels And Wet Garments

You might have seen people ignoring the damp towels and wet garments in the laundry room to dry off. What they do not realize is the fact that the laundry requires air to dry. If there are damp towels and piles of wet garments in the laundry room, high levels of moisture can also lead to mold growth.

Fortunately, this is a lot easier to handle when compared to water leakage. But, the problem with damp towels and wet garments is that it takes too long for people to realize and by that time, the damage is done. So, in this case, if you see mold spots somewhere in the laundry room, you will need to wear gloves and use a chemical to remove them.

You won’t have to look for a water leakage or damage. But, make sure you hang the garments outside and do not keep them placed inside the laundry room for days.

Clean And Maintain Your Washing Machine

Cleaning and maintaining your washer is as important as ensuring there are no damp garments in the laundry room. The problem with washers is that homeowners ignore their maintenance which leads to blockage and water leakage. Since homeowners hardly ever take a look underneath the washer, it might be pools of water due to a drain hose leakage or some other problem.

But, as the water evaporates, it is replaced by more pools as the washer continues to leak. This is why manufacturers suggest scheduling expert maintenance to ensure the washing machine does not pose such problems. Another thing you need to keep in mind is that the water being supplied to your machine may contain a higher amount of salts and minerals.

Such factors can result in a limescale buildup that can block the access or make the exit a lot more difficult. Moreover, washing machine leaks can cause serious water damage. So, prevent such issues by maintenance. However, if there are leaks, water damage, and mold growth, consider water damage restoration Bethesda.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Your laundry room should be properly ventilated. No matter how much it is stressed, some people still ignore the importance of ventilation. If you do not have proper ventilation in the laundry room, no matter how much you try to get rid of mold, it will still pop up sooner or later.

At the same time, if there is no way for the moisture to exit, you will need to install a window or an exhaust that helps remove the moisture. Plus, if the laundry room has a window, you should keep it open at least while the sun is out to speed up the drying process.

Use A Dehumidifier

Using a dehumidifier is a good option because mold grows in humid parts of the house. If you are able to afford this machine, you should purchase it and install it in the laundry room. Also, dehumidifiers are a necessity in countries where the weather is mostly humid and moist.

One thing you need to keep in mind regarding mold is that it not only threatens the health but also the walls, furniture, and other items in the house. If there is a water leakage or mold growth that has remained unobserved for quite a bit of time, chances are the damage is done.

You might have to apply a fresh layer of paint or get the damaged furniture or other items repaired. This means a problem that could have been easily avoided will now require a significant amount of money to fix.

Adjust The Temperature And Moisture Levels

Mostly, a laundry room is in the basement where the air is warmer. Plus, the room is obviously humid. This makes it a perfect place for mold growth. To prevent it, you should control the temperature in the basement. For instance, if you see any gaps, cracks, or damage in the walls, windows, or doors, you should immediately cover them.

In addition to that, you should also be vigilant about leakages and basements are quite prone to such things. Make sure that you allow fresh air inside and do not let the basement remain moist and warm for long periods.

Invest In A New Washer

If your washer is old, the probability of mold growth is a lot more frequent. Modern washers are equipped with microbial defense features that prevent such factors from taking place. Plus, if you notice that your washer is constantly running into problems, you should save up for a new machine rather than spend on expensive repairs and replacements.


Preventing mold growth in laundry rooms is a lot easier if you were to follow the tips mentioned above. Make sure that the laundry room is properly ventilated and does not have any leaks or damages. Putting in a bit of effort and time helps prevent issues that require hefty spending and keep things moving without any complications. To get rid of mold growth in your laundry room, call in mold removal Potomac services.

Categories:   Home Improvement
