
Are Concrete Pools Waterproof? How To Waterproof Concrete Pools?

It is a common misconception that concrete pools tend to be waterproof. While that can be said for vinyl and fiberglass pools but not for the concrete. We are going to discuss how you can waterproof your concrete pool with the help of in ground pool builders and why it is necessary.

How To Waterproof Concrete Pools?

When it comes to waterproofing concrete pools, the majority of the homeowners assume only protecting the inside of the pool. In fact, the outside of the pool needs to be protected as well to prevent humidity and moisture from affecting the structure.

Keep in mind that the ground also releases moisture and humidity that can impact the exterior of the structure. This means it is important for pools to be waterproof both from the inside as well as the outside. Furthermore, waterproofing is best done while the pool is being built.

You might think that leaving out waterproofing for later will save you some money at the moment but what you don’t realize is that you will be ending up spending more money and time in the future.

Why Waterproof Concrete Pools?

Waterproofing concrete pools is fundamental. If you hire an expert, they will tell you that the pool needs to be protected both from the inside and the outside. And the reason it is done by experts is that even if you were to use expensive high-quality products, it won’t be of any use if the technique is not right.

Waterproofing concrete pools take years of experience and skills and even then, experts tend to make mistakes. Therefore, it is not about saving money or time, it is about ensuring that your pools avoid contamination, stains and water leakage, etc.

How To Waterproof A Concrete Pool?

The first thing to do when it comes to waterproofing a concrete pool is to inspect the condition of the concrete. If the pool happens to be relatively older, you can expect some cracks in concrete here and there that will need to be fixed first.

Once you are done fixing the cracks, make sure the walls are level. With the waterproofing product in hand, you should read the instructions to see what needs to be done before you can proceed with the coating. Then, level the floors and walls using the product recommended.

Now that you are done leveling the floors and walls, it is time for the waterproofing membrane to come in. In this step, you only need to follow the instructions. This should be the final step. Remember, different coatings come with different sets of instructions. So, make sure you follow them.

The last thing you would want is to go against the tips and end up ruining the entire job in the end.

What Pool Waterproofing Materials To Use?

When looking for the perfect waterproofing material to use, you will come across three popular types, cementitious, polyurethane, epoxy, etc. Each coating comes with its share of pros and cons so selecting the right one is difficult.

Epoxy Coating

Epoxy coating tends to be the most affordable and it’s also water-resistant. Plus, pool epoxy coating needs to be flexible as well to handle the shrinking and expanding of the pool. However, to use epoxy coating, you will need to make sure to use the right products prior to applying the coating.

Polyurethane Coating

In most cases, both epoxy and polyurethane coating go hand in hand. It might come down to personal preference for some but according to the experts, polyurethane coating tends to be more flexible. So, it means it will be better able to handle the shrinking and expansion.

Cementitious Coating

Cementitious coating is slightly different from epoxy and polyurethane coating. This coating is done a lot before the tiles are installed and comes in the form of a cement-like powder mixed with a liquid that is included in the package. You can spread it using a finishing trowel.

Final Word

Concrete pools are not waterproof and need to be sealed using different types of coating. There is no single answer to the best type you should choose, it primarily depends on your budget, needs, and preferences. Find out more by contacting patio contractors Long Island.

Categories:   Home Improvement
